Dear Valued Customer:
Herewith part two of the SARS Q&A questions 5 to 8 of 26 – Quote:
5. Why does SA want to introduce the 24 hour advance cargo loading notice for containerised cargo?
The 24 hour advance loading notice rule is aligned to the SAFE Framework of Standards and shows South Africa’s commitment to secure the supply chain.
This policy further allows potential threats to be identified before a container is loaded at the foreign seaport, which enables Customs to i.a. prevent the cargo, if posing a threat, from entering the port in the Republic.
6. Why was the period for submission of import clearance declarations reduced from seven days to three days after arrival?
The decision to reduce the period for submission of clearance declarations in the CCA is informed by technological advances since 1964 when the current Act was drafted. Trade and the way business is conducted have dramatically changed since then and in the current electronic environment information required for clearing goods is available instantly.
To mitigate the effect of the reduced timeframe, provision is also made for clearance and release of goods on submission of incomplete or provisional clearance information.
7. Why is there a requirement to submit clearance declarations for containerised cargo three days prior to arrival of goods consigned for delivery to a licensed container terminal or depot situated inland
The requirement was inserted to facilitate planning of the supply chain. SARS will be in a position to determine the risks the goods pose before arrival if a clearance declaration is submitted three days prior to arrival. Once SARS has determined the risk, SARS will issue a notification (provisional release) to inform parties where the container must be removed to upon arrival i.e. to a depot in Durban or a terminal in Johannesburg.
The trader can therefore make the necessary logistical arrangements for transport of the goods with certainty prior to the arrival of goods. Upon arrival, the goods will be released to or detained at the place indicated in the provisional release. The provisional release falls away if the goods are detained and is replaced by the notice of detention which will indicate the place where the goods are to be removed to.
8. What is the difference between home use and a customs procedure?
The difference can best be described with reference to the consequence of release. Goods released for home use become goods in free circulation, in other words goods over which Customs no longer exercises control. Goods released for a customs procedure will remain subject to customs control (as goods not in free circulation) and the provisions of the Act which are applicable to that procedure must be complied with.
Source: SARS
Should you have any questions please feel free to send your questions to and we will be sure to get back to you.